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The Flow Office | 中國 廣州

The Flow Office is a shared office located in Guangzhou, a corner of urban public space. The whole space is divided into three areas by wavy line steps, creating a flexible and open space structure. The area at the middle ground level is the aisle that connects two sides and also a pathway naturally leads visitors inside. The streamlined pathway leads people to different function office areas on two sides. The side of the open floor-to-ceiling windows is the meeting area, and the intervals and barriers formed by iron nets make the overall space both open and differentiated. After the meeting, you can go down the steps to the bar pour a cup of coffee, then transition to the more independent office area on the other side to work individually.
Plants embedded above the middle aisle are shown like waterfalls, which differentiate the functions of the two areas and provide some privacy at the same time. The whole green wall brings more green to the whole space. Metal, cement and all plants are integrated with each other, echoing the surrounding urban landscape in a modern atmosphere.
People can sit anywhere in this space, the flowing lines and different divided spaces create their own unique boundaries. These partitions provide each space with a different appearance, define the moving lines and spaces, but do not completely isolate the space, instead let this greenery run through the entire space. While working in The Flow Office, because of the diverse perspectives and flowing atmosphere, brings more relaxation and enjoy the space, and perhaps burst inspiration.

The Flow Office 一間位於廣州的共享辦公室,城市中的一角公共空間。整個空間由波浪線條的臺階分為三個區域,創造一個靈活的、開放式的空間架構。中間地面高度的區域為連接兩側的過道同時也是引人入內的步道,流線型的步道帶著人們去往兩側不同功能的辦公區域。開闊的落地窗一側為會議區,部分鐵網形成的間隔和阻擋讓整體空間即開闊又有所區分。當你開完會後可從臺階下來到吧臺倒上一杯咖啡,再過渡到另一側較為獨立的辦公區單獨工作。


整個空間隨處而坐,流動的線條,不同分割的空間,創造了屬於自己的獨特邊界。這些隔斷為每個空間提供了不同的外觀,定義了動線和空間,卻沒有完全隔絕空間,相反讓這抹綠意貫穿整個空間。讓人們在 The Flow Office 辦公的同時因為多樣的視野,流動的氛圍,可以更放松、享受空間,也許迸發靈感。

Client:                        The Flow Office

Theme:                      Office, Flow, Plants, Waves

Country:                    China

Design Category:     Logo, Branding and Interior Design / Sharing Office


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